Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Poor Chicken

Have you ever had one of those days when you feel like that one poor little chicken running around the yard with your head barely hanging on by a thread? Yeah, me too, especially today. I thought I had tackled an issue at work last night, but not so much when I got there this morning. Came into quite the pile with at least three (3) things being needed to be done "first." Luckily I have about two hours to make any executive decisions necessary before the actual boss get in. I had all three of those things done with seconds to spare before a VERY big meeting. Now on to the next pile that will be waiting for me tomorrow, I've prepared myself for the landslide and will be carrying extra coffee to get me at least until lunch.

After a morning of that, I really wanted a nice cold at lunch, but being a (mostly) responsible adult I knew better. I also know that this weekend means a cookout with my love and my kiddo, and hopefully some VERY good friends.(I think that may have just been rained on thanks to my lovely father, who has just decided that he wants me to stay around the house this weekend.)

Not exactly sure what he's gonna do when I move back out, which is coming a lot quicker than he may think it is. But there will be more about that at a later date.

Chin up buttercup, it gets better.

<3 T

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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Very Busy Day

So many things to do today, but luckily I have tons of energy. Right now my kiddo and I are just waiting on his dad to pick him up for the day. I have the perfect outfit picked out thanks to Polyvore (you can check it out on my Facebook or my Pinterest board) and I died my hair again pictures to follow. I love when I'm a redhead.

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Friday, March 9, 2012

Happy Girl

Today, I've noticed that not only do I have more energy than I have had in what seems like forever, but I'm genuinely happy today too. Although I'm not entirely sure what is causing this feeling of euphoria (yes, I do know and often use big words so brace yourselves), I do know that I don't want to lose this feeling anytime soon. The best reason that I can come up with for this feeling is that I know that I am truly love by at least two people on the face of this planet and that one of them calls me Mommy.

I'm glad that I can feel this happy and hope that it lasts throughout this weekend and well into the next couple of VERY busy weeks. I have so much stuff to do, find, and buy. I'm really not looking forward to spending the money that my super awesome loving mom has helped me save up, up alas I do have a very important installation coming up that I do have to decorate for. Kinda hoping I can find a couple of ideas for gifts on Pinterest somewhere (the hunt is still on).

So my to-do list for the next couple of weeks looks like this:

  • Find an organist
  • Buy artificial flowers with which to decorate (even thought I would like real ones they don't last as long)
  • Find and purchase gifts for Installing Officers
  • Create programs
  • Come up with an idea for guest favors
  • Make all reminder calls for practice and installation
  • Be a mom (have to do this one regardless)
  • Anything else that my parents may ask of me
If anyone can thing of any ideas, or would even like to help with the shopping, creation of things, or the decoration the day of I would love you forever.

And I got an awesome text from my very bestie today that was just a sweet reminder that she loves me and does think about me even if I don't talk to her every day.

I'm planning on putting together some sort of girls night soon, but it won't be until after the 24th, what with all of the Installation preparation and what not. And it may be pushed back to the second week of April or even after Easter (you know so no one breaks their Lent vows or anything) depending on how the bestie is recovering.

Until next time my loves, remember to always "fight like a girl."

<3 T

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hump Day

So, here it is Wednesday and I feel completely unaccomplished.

I've spent almost a week now trying to find someone to play the piano for me for my OES installation on the 24th to no avail. My boss has been outta town for the last few days so (luckily) no work piled up on my desk in the mornings.

On a much brighter note, Emmett hasn't been sick since Saturday. And my mom got him on the waiting list for First Baptist Daycare. I can't wait for him to be going to a REAL daycare that doesn't let their employees (ie my sitters daughters) come in sick, and I know that he'll learn something each day, AND they'll put forth more effort in helping me get him potty trained. I would love it if he were potty trained by summer.......crossing my fingers on that one.

Mom and I are planning to head down to grandma's to finish what we started 2 weeks ago, with no warning to the triffling pair that live there. It sure seems like that if they have any kind of heads up they haul ass outta there before we get to the house cause they know they piss us off and don't want to hear it when someone tells them to get off their no-working-lazy-bitching asses.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a good and productive day.

Keep your heads up tough girls.

<3 T

Monday, March 5, 2012

Just a mom

I really need a girls night with my bestie soon. In starting to feel like the only thing I can be is someone's mom. I need to know that I'm still a real person too, it's really starting to get to me. Luckily I have the best man ever, and he's willing to keep my baby bird and fund my night. He knows he can trust me like that and I know I can trust him. I love him for little stuff like that. He has a way of making me feel like more than just a mom.

Miss my girls.

<3 T

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Wednesday, February 29, 2012


My kid is a carrier. And has made half of the people in the house sick. I'm sure that if I ever got run over by an elephant  this is what it would feel like. Not to mention I have to miss work. And my better half is sick at his house too.

Moms, the most puked on people on earth.

<3 T

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

A little upset

I hate that I'm related to someone that thinks life owes him something and that he should have everything handed to him.

He's never had to actually work for anything he has. The job he has, his momma got him. He makes enough money to support himself and his wife and kid, but can't seem to pay his GRANDMOTHER $40 a month for rent cause they live in her house. All of his money is used for beer, weed, and anything else he wants.... but never rent.

His wife only works two days a week, and yet for some reason I have to go to my grandmother's house today to do what THEY were asked to do almost a week ago.

And the venting continues, sorry so angry lately. Hopefully things turn around soon.

<3 T

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Such a nice way to spend a Tuesday night. Warm bonfire and under the stars with the love of my life.

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Sunday, February 19, 2012


Sometimes, some people just can't let other people have a nice time. I'm not entirely sure why. It's almost like it would physically hurt them. Then they drag their bitching, and hypercriticisim on FOREVER. There are things I have no control over and other people's thoughts has got to be the number one with the weather coming in a close second. Why does it bother you that I fell hard and fast for someone, why can't you just be happy for me, hell at least pretend. That's all for today so good night.

Thanks for letting me vent.

<3 T

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012


So, it's true, opinions are like belly buttons everyone has one. I'm just tired of everyone thinking that I'm supposed to take theirs into consideration in my everyday life. Honestly, I've finally gotten to the point that the only person whose opinion I should be listening to is my own.

Everyone seems to know what's best for me. I want you all to listen when I say this.........I'm a big girl, I can make my own decisions/mistakes. But in all honesty, this isn't a mistake. It is by far the exact opposite, it's the best thing that's ever happened to me.

This is the absolute happiest I've been in the last 8 years, so what does that tell you? It should tell you that if I trust me and my choice, then so should you. I'm fully aware that I'm no longer the only person I have to think about in life. I know that I'm responsible for a whole other human being and his well being. I wouldn't EVER put my son in harms way, so trust that I know he's innocent of anything that she's said he's done.

I love him, and that above all else should tell you something. You saw it yourselves, when the people that I thought were my close friends didn't even show up to wish my son a happy birthday, he did. He was there until the wee hours of the morning with me getting things ready and he was back the next day to support me and be there for me. He love that little boy as much as I do, and possibly even more than he loves me. I couldn't ask for someone better to have around my son.

Now....keep your opinions to yourself from now on, because you know that all they're going to do is make me angry and push me away. When I say I'm going to take my son and leave, I'm not threatening you, I'm going to do it. And it'll probably be sooner than you want me to. But when you threaten to take MY son from me.....I'll fight you with everything in my being. You have no grounds, nor do you have justification enough for a court as to why he shouldn't be with me. You will never in your life be able to say that I'm an unfit mother and you know it, so don't even try.

You are and always will be my family, so PLEASE don't make me do something that we all will regret later on down the road.

I love you, and always will, just let me be happy.

<3 T